Ecommerce Solutions
Is your ecommerce site secure? Professional looking? Easy for the shopper to use? Is there a funnel in place to drive the sale?
Your virtual storefront should mirror your brick and mortar store if you have one. The sharper the ease of use the more likely a client will return, again and again.
Your virtual storefront should be designed to funnel the sales into what I call a "Ca-Ching." And each site design includes the setup of analytical tools to keep you abreast of its performance, identifying its weak spots that occur naturally over time so they may be addressed. Tools that will give you a glimpse into what your clients are looking for and their behaviors while shopping.
You Have The Control
I had three different ecommerce sites over a period of years, since the beginning of the "dub, dub, dub." And for each one it took numerous phone calls or emails to implement changes whether it was product placement, product pricing, fees associated with shipping or delivery. It was frustrating and by the time these changes were made I had already requested yet another. Again waiting too long for the changes to be made. Let's create a situation where you are empowered to make changes as you see fit and watch them take place in real time. Let's create a website design that will WOW your clients.